Emig, Rainer Univ.-Prof. Dr.


Who am I?

I am professor of English Literature and Culture at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, which I joined in 2015 after having held professorships at Regensburg and Hanover and a lectureship at Cardiff in Wales. I studied in Frankfurt am Main, Warwick and Oxford (D.Phil. 1992) and gained my Habilitation in Siegen in 1998 in conjunction with a Postdoc position in the local graduate school. My main areas of research are the literature and culture of the 19th century to the present. I also work in Gender Studies, Postcolonial Studies and areas of popular culture.

  • Modernism
  • Poetry
  • War and Terrorism
  • Masculinity
  • National Stereotypes
  • Humour
  • Eccentricity


What do I teach?

I teach classes for advanced BA-students and MA-candidates, most of them based on my research interests. I also teach in British Cultural Studies, where I regularly offer lectures on Methods and Theories of Cultural Studies, Wales, and Global Britain.


What theses do I supervise?

I am interested in supervising theses on topics relating to my research interests and/or teaching portfolio.