Dr. Oliver Meyer is professor for English-Didactics at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. He is also a qualified teacher of Geography and EFL with several years of CLIL-teaching experience.
From 2008 - 2013, he worked as a pre- and in-service teacher trainer at the Catholic University of Eichstaett. As a CLIL-expert, he was co-responsible for the in-service training of the 150+ middle school teachers involved in a CLIL pilot program in Bavaria.
His Ph.D dissertation is on instructed strategy use and its effect on oral language performance in young CLIL language learners. He is especially interested in developing and disseminating cutting-edge, evidence-based teaching strategies.
He is a member of the CLIL Cascade Network and has been invited to teach CLIL courses in many European countries. In 2010 he co-organized the international CLIL 2010 Conference (CLIL 2010: In Pursuit of Excellence) in Eichstaett/Germany. In 2010, he was awarded first prize at a prestigious competition for innovation in teacher training (Pädagogik Innovativ 2010).
He has been coordinating “CLIL 2.0: Literacies through Content and Language Integrated Learning: effective learning across subjects and languages”, a project (2012-2015) for the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). The Graz Group is made up of experts such as Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Do Coyle, Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Ana Halbach, Irina Hawker, Ana Llinares, Roy Lyster, David Lasagabaster, Gerrit-Ian Koopman, Yolanda Ruis-Zarobe, Kevin Schuck, Teresa Ting, Teresa Ting, Johannes Vollmer & Rachel Whittaker.
Prof. Meyer is a reviewer for journals such as Applied Linguistics, The Language Learning Journal and Sage Open. Selected Plenaries in 2014: Think CLIL 2014 (Venice); CLIL CORE (P. d. Mallorca); CLIL (Hongkong).
Oliver Meyer has authored several CLIL and ESL textbooks, including his work on a conceptual framework for the next generation of digital textbooks (Learnscraping: Beyond the Digital Textbook) as well as his recent publication, Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning.